Manuscript Membership

Manuscript Membership


All memberships include the following benefits:

  • A monthly review of significant acquisitions, exhibitions and sales, document conservation, replevin activity, and more in the Society’s e-mail report—The Manuscript Society Digest
  • Interesting articles, manuscript price reports, book reviews, and more in the Society’s quarterly journal—Manuscripts
  • Noteworthy news from the autograph world, both national and international, in the Society’s newsletter—The Manuscript Society News
  • A host of congenial, stimulating events featuring important manuscript venues during the Society’s annual meeting and locally-organized events.


  • *30 Under 30 membership is only for members under the age of 30 years old.
  • **Institutional memberships include archives, museums, historical societies, libraries and professional associations.
  • ***Postage of $30.00 USD is added to a membership with “all print” publications option for all Non-North American members.



We have created additional levels beyond the regular membership option to allow members to support The Manuscript Society with additional funds. In addition to the standard member benefits, these members also receive recognition in the Manuscript Society News on the Donors List. Members in the United States may also receive tax benefits. Check with your financial advisor for guidance.

Click here for The Manuscript Society’s Code of Ethics.

The Manuscript Society is a 501(c)3 Illinois Non-Profit Corporation. Any contributions and membership dues higher than the regular membership rate are tax deductible in accordance with the law.

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