All memberships include the following benefits:
  • A monthly review of significant acquisitions, exhibitions and sales, document conservation, replevin activity, and more in the Society’s e-mail report—The Manuscript Society Digest
  • Interesting articles, manuscript price reports, book reviews, and more in the Society’s quarterly journal—Manuscripts
  • Noteworthy news from the autograph world, both national and international, in the Society’s newsletter—The Manuscript Society News
  • A host of congenial, stimulating events featuring important manuscript venues during the Society’s annual meeting and locally-organized events.
  • *30 Under 30 membership is only for members under the age of 30 years old.
  • **Institutional memberships include archives, museums, historical societies, libraries and professional associations.
  • ***Postage of $30.00 USD is added to a membership with “all print” publications option for all Non-North American members.