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It’s our Manuscript Mondays Almost Independence Day Virtual Summer Beach Party!

child on beach with pail

Fourth of July on the beach

 Monday July 3, 2023! – 8:00 PM Eastern – Live

We’ll open it up to a virtual gathering of friends, lively discussion, and a show and tell. This is a live, Zoom meeting format, not a webinar, so get your camera & mic ready (if you wish) – We’ll ALL be live!

  • Show us a favorite item in your collection.
  • Ask questions about collecting.
  • Share a short collecting story.
  • Discuss what’s new in the auction market.
  • Looking for a specific item? Let us know.
  • And find out what’s new at The Manuscript Society.
  • Or just hang out and enjoy a virtual cocktail on the virtual Manuscript Society Beach on the day before Independence Day.

Register in advance please at:


You will only get a reminder 2-3 days before the event.

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