Meet The Board

Meet The Board2021-06-09T19:50:45-04:00

The management of the Manuscript Society, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, is placed in the hands of a Board of Trustees. Each trustee is a member of the society and has participated in any number of capacities. They often attend annual meetings, sit on regular committees, and serve on Ad Hoc committees as needed. Any member of the society can be nominated to the Board. [For more information see the Constitution]  The Board consists of fifteen Trustees. They are nominated from the membership, the elected officers, and such Past Presidents as maintain an active presence in the activities of the Board by attending at least one Board meeting every 2 years.  There are three officers: President, Vice President and Treasurer.

The term of office for elected Trustees is 3 years. No elected Trustee may serve more than 2 consecutive terms. At the discretion of the Board, Manuscript Society members who have a history of long and exceptional service to the Manuscript Society may be designated Life Members of the Board.  Members of the Board of Trustees shall serve without compensation.

We thank everyone who makes a commitment to the society by becoming a member of the Board of Trustees.

Recent Meet The Board Posts

106, 2020

Society Board of Trustees – Class of 2023

June 1, 2020|

Below is the list of society members who have committed to service on the Board of Trustees for the next three years. Two are brand new and three have taken on a second term. We thank them all for their commitment to the society. The 2023 Class of Trustees of [...]

106, 2020

Manuscript Society Board of Trustees – 2020 Officers

June 1, 2020|

Serving for two years the new Officers of the Board of Trustees have been involved with the Manuscript Society for a number of years.  They are: Douglass Rohrman will segue into the presidential seat after two years as the society’s vice president. Doug is a semi-retired environmental lawyer, formerly with [...]

2005, 2019

Society Board of Trustees – Class of 2022

May 20, 2019|

In Boston, MA at the annual meeting of the Manuscript Society in April 2019, the general membership in attendance elected the following individuals to become the Class of 2022 to join the Board of Trustees. We are fortunate that some renewed their service and we have also added new members. [...]

1409, 2018

Society Board of Trustees – Class of 2021

September 14, 2018|

The newest group of individuals of the Board of Trustees for the Manuscript Society were voted into office by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting in New Orleans in 2018.  They are now members of the class of 2021. Meet them now: Brian G. Kathenes, ISA CAPP, is a [...]

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